People of all ages experience circumstances that leave us looking for someone who can help—someone who’s
got our back and can help carry the load. This month, we want to begin teaching preschoolers that God is the
best Someone for the job. No matter what our situation or how uncertain our circumstances may be, we can
know that God is with us wherever we go, and God’s got it. This kind of trust in God is what allows us to Sing
in the Rain.
There’s always a chance of rain in our lives or in the lives of our preschoolers. Many of us have already come
through some pretty big rainstorms. Some of us are in them right now. That is why it is our sincere prayer
that during this month we and our preschoolers will begin to trust that God’s got it. This kind of trust in God
is what will
Week One (October 4)
Today’s Bible Story: God is always with me. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego • Daniel 3:1-28
Memory Verse: “God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9, NLT
Key Question: Who’s got it?
Bottom Line: God’s got it.
Basic Truth: God loves me.
Story Focus: God is always with me. Week one, we
will hear the story of how Shadrach, Meshach, and
Abednego trusted that God’s got it as they were on their
way to a blazing furnace! It truly is an amazing story of
trust in God!
Week Two (October 11)
Today’s Bible Story: God takes care of me. Moses in the Basket • Exodus 1:22–2:10
Memory Verse: “God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9, NLT
Key Question: Who’s got it?
Bottom Line: God’s got it.
Basic Truth: God loves me.
Story Focus: God takes care of me. Week two, we see
a mother trust that God’s got it as she puts her baby,
Moses, in a basket and hides him among the reeds on
a river bank. We can only imagine all of the conflicting
emotions she must have been feeling, but her trust in
God was bigger!
Week Three (October 18)
Today’s Bible Story: God hears me and gives me what I need. Hagar • Genesis 21:14-20
Memory Verse: “God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9, NLT
Key Question: Who’s got it?
Bottom Line: God’s got it.
Basic Truth: God loves me.
Story Focus: God hears me and can give me what
I need. Week three, we get to watch the journey of
another mother as she learns first hand that God’s got
it. She had reached the point of giving up when God
stepped in and showed that He heard her son’s cries and
could give them what they needed.
Week Four (October 25)
Today’s Bible Story: God keeps His promises. Noah • Genesis 6:8-33, 7:1-24, 8:1–9:17
Memory Verse: “God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9, NLT
Key Question: Who’s got it?
Bottom Line: God’s got it.
Basic Truth: God loves me.
Story Focus: God keeps His promises. We will wrap up
the month with one of the most popular stories in the
Bible—Noah! Preschoolers love this story! How could
they not with all of the animals and the rainbow at the
end! We will use Noah’s exciting story to teach the truth
that God keeps His promises. If God says He’s got it,
then God’s got it!